The women’s wardrobe cannot be complete without a few genuine leather bags. Shop a diverse selection of italy wholesale handbags, made in Italy by artisan and designer makers. Many of these bags are available in bulk for fashion stores, boutiques, e-commerce platforms and other wholesale outlets.
The Florentine company Iacobella is a sustainable brand that recycles leather scraps to produce one-of-a-kind bags. Its designs are rooted in sustainability, taking inspiration from local weaving techniques and creating accessories that are both stylish and practical. For instance, its Mochila bag is a take on the Colombian “mochila” bag and is handmade by indigenous artisans. Its minimalist shapes are perfect for everyday wear, while the shoulder bag’s zippered pocket makes it easy to keep essentials on hand.
Another Italian brand to consider is Marta Ray, founded in Rome by Polish designer Marta Ratajczak. The brand specializes in comfortable ballerina flats, but also produces affordable leather handbags. Its bags are buttery soft and are offered in a wide range of colors. The most popular model is the Mini Moon bag, which has a Jacquard print and bamboo handles.
For more options, visit the B2B platform ItalianModa, which connects wholesale buyers to Italian manufacturers and brands with reasonable low minimums. Its catalog includes the latest trendy leather purses, clutches and tote bags. Find exclusive models in genuine leather, faux leather and even straw bags. In addition, some Italian producers offer Private Label services to design and make custom luxury bags to your specifications. italy wholesale handbags